Known bugs/not implemented stuff
(see also 'Future work')
- 'Water spin' bug: under some circumstances, during underwater
simulation, creatures spinning move is not held by the water.
Amiga interface
- camera/World Display settings are not saved
- problems with window refreshing
- the program was not tested with Kickstart 2.0, which may cause some problems
- OpenGL window is for viewing only (camera can be moved in World window)
PC Windows interface
- when stopping simulation, the "run" button is not sometimes enabled
(the reason is unknown). Solution: select "run" from the menu.
- Do not press ESC while editing multiline fields in
parameters windows
- A few bugs in a colored genotype (i.e. S means both a receptor and a modificator)
Please report any other bugs to
When reporting bugs, please state
- operating system you are using (with/without service pack, which?)
- processor (Intel/other)
- if the bug is repeatable (under what conditions?)
- parameters of the simulator when the error occurs